It is quite sad when things such as this occur. You wonder that couldn't this have been prevented? Nigeria is getting popular for distasteful happenings. The Boko Haram killings has almost become a norm in the dailies and news.. Now its another sad event of a plane crash!
Gone are the days when plane crashes are attributed to bad weather and terrorists' activities. It is sad that presently in Nigeria, it is more of human error and negligence on the part of the authorities and airliners. I mentioned it the other day when a little boy became a 'celeb' for being a Stowaway on an airline...and our political 'Agbayas' could come to the press and say all sorts... Now another tragedy. Why won't we allow the dead sleep in peace?
I feel sorry for the total Nigeria populace flying the local planes. You just can't tell what fate follows the next flight you want to board. I can imagine some airline engineers who chuckled over a weak aircraft engine and puts on their wishful cap that the plane makes it for the thousandth trip!
I sincerely condole with the bereaved and pray that God should grant them the fortitude to bear the loss of their loved ones.
Well, for me, I sincerely pray for a safe landing in Nigeria soon!
Till then, great time ahead folks!