Thursday, 28 February 2013

Damilola Damoche SHOT!

The up and coming hip hop artiste, Damilola Olaniyan (Damouche) was shot dead on the 28th day of February, 2013. He was on his way out of school when his assailants track him down and shot him in the head. He was obviously shot at very close range due to the impact on the skin. 

It came as a shock to the students of the Lagos State university, Ojo since the school had enjoyed several years free of blood bath. Rumour has it that the killing might not be too far from the rival cult attacks within the school environment. LASU was a school that used to be volatile when it comes to such issues.

He was last seen to have tweeted his forth coming album in April. One cannot seem to wonder the state of insecurity in our present society. One cannot tell what will hit him or her at the very next second.

This is another great loss that has hit the entertainment industry in Nigeria. We can only pray that the Lord will grant the relatives the fortitude to bear the loss.

Have a great day folks!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Eko Atlantic City; Megacity On Water

The much talked about Mega city project kicks off today, 21st February, 2013. The Eko Atlantic City is to be launched today by the Governor of Lagos State, Barrister at law, Babatunde Fashola (SAN). He is to be supported by our own very amiable president of the federal republic of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan (GCFR) and past president of the United State of America, Bill Clinton. E kaa bo (We welcome you)

The imagery that pervades this project is highly sublime and so lofty. It shows a perfect state where there is no hustle and bustle; serenity and a virtual state of excellence. One cannot cease to wonder if this is what is presently in Lagos.

The Governor has really transformed the state immensely (thanks to all of us that are heavily taxed) and he has great ambitions still. However, what is not right is robbing Peter to pay Paul. We cannot neglect certain areas within this same state and claim we are building  a metropolitan city. Just take a visit to some of the core locations in Lagos and.... I leave that to your judgment.

Well, back to Eko Atlantic!!! For the Island workers today, it is gonna be traffic galore. All roads will certainly be closed down.(I so pity myself). It would be a bad memory for the coming investors to be locked down by our trademark,"bumper2bumper". Clinton and uncle Jonah cannot afford to be held in such undignified traffic jams. They can be exempted and spared the hassles. What of the 'REAL TAX PAYERS'? Who gives a damn! We can all rot in traffic jam. All of us will be herded probably towards western avenue through Falomo or some 'lungu' around Ikoyi!

Anyway sha, I congratulate all of us in Lagos. GidiMetro wishes us all a happy Atlantic City opening. Just call your loved ones that you might be coming home late today. We always know how to make ourselves happy. #Gala!!!!! gimmie two#

Have a great day folks!

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Justice Esiri Bows Out to Death.

There seems to be a knoll over the Nollywood industry as we have recorded a number of deaths within the last 6 months. Justice Esiri, the popular actor who have seen the different phases of Nigeria's film industry is dead. Sources revealed that the veteran died yesterday evening.

Esiri came to the fore media in Nigeria when he starred in the Nigerian TV series, 'Village Headmaster'. His role was greatly felt in the TV media from way back.

His prolific nature got him several roles in the new Nigeria Movie industry, Nollywood. He was always coming up in the best of Nigeria's home videos.

Justice Esiri's successes became more prominent upon the discovery of his son's talents in music. Dr. Sid as popularly referred to is a proud son of the late legendary actor. Entertainment obviously runs in the family.

No doubt, Justice Esiri will be greatly missed in the Nigeria movie industry. We can only condole with the family and wish that God will grant them the fortitude to bear the loss. We love you Esiri but God loves you more.

Great day ahead folks!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Goldie Harvey of BBA Dies at 28

Goldie Harvey is dead. Goldie as popularly referred to was a participant in the last Big Brother Africa reality show. She died in the late hours of Thursday, 14th of February, 2013. She was last seen with her bosom friend, Denrele.

Goldie arrived the shores of Nigeria just yesterday, which was valentine's day. She was a guest at the Grammy Awards. She got to Nigeria safely and was already with her friends. Sources revealed that she fell ill and weak suddenly. She was immediately rushed to the Reddington Hospital. There was where she breathed her last.

Goldie was seen as the Nigerian version of American ace singer, Lady Gaga with her chosen identity and disposition. She was known as prolific singer in Nigeria. Her popularity grew when she was finally a housemate in the last Big Brother Africa. She was also very close with a fellow housemate, Prezzo whom it was rumored that she was getting married.

Some medical practitioners also suspected that the cause of death might be due to a medical situation called Pulmonary embolism (PE), which is usually a blood clot in the deep veins of the legs or pelvis that breaks off and migrates to the lung. It is just speculations though.

Goldie was 28 years as at the time of death.

We pray that her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Love. Passion. Friendship. It's Valentine

Red is the colour of love! "This is a great opportunity to tell you how much I care and love you. I have..." Loads and loads of lyrics from guys to ladies and the other way round. In fact, several great poets will arise today being valentine.

What do you think about valentine? What is your concept of love? How should couples celebrate Val? Is there an age band to participating? Over the years.many believed that Val's day is restricted to 'lovers' and 'daters'. Contrary is the case now.
We have churches, schools, institutions and even families organise beautiful Valentine's programs to have their loved ones close by. This has been a welcome idea in recent times. Val's day is really a time out to share with somebody. Share love and friendship. Help someone who is down back up. Extend a hand of love to someone who needs to be cared for.

Valentine is not about indiscriminate show of passion through unchaste lovemaking or flirtatious dispositions. Many underage are seen all over the place lurking with opposite gender. An adult passes and hails them! This is decadence at its peak.

Please in your celebration today, let it be with moderation especially if you are not married. AIDS is real. And also, pregnancy is after two weeks oo!

Have fun guys!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The Real Champions

The Super Eagles arrived Nigeria yesterday in grand style. It was such a sight to behold. Amidst roaring crowd and cheering fans were the hero.

The hall was filled with the high and mighty. The who is who in the Nigeria political terrain. The 'Agbadas and Babarigas' were flowing in their numbers. The MC had  to practically  herd these moguls back to their seat...hmmmm #LipSealed#

Who are the real champions? Uncle Joe? Remember he presides over the country...or is it Keshi? He is the head coach you know...or the fans? Remember many lost hope on this team at the qualifying levels and tagged them 'Super Chickens'..#looool#

Anyway, success has many brothers and sisters but failure doesn't. We need to constantly believe in what is ours and what is national. Kudos to the real champs, the Super Eagles!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Shocking!!! Pope Benedict XVI

And the Sage Bows Out
It was indeed an emotional one for many faithfuls at the revelation by the Senior Pontiff of Rome. Pope Benedict XVI publicly announced his resignation from the office as the Bishop of Rome and Successor of St. Peter. He was anointed as the pope on the 25th of April 2005.

Several reactions had been on since the announcement of his resignation. Opinion polls are flying wild. But from a perspective, I believe it takes great faith and courage to come out and declare one's incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to him. His humility can never be overstated as he regularly contributes to ensuring world peace at all times.

The Catholic faithfuls have never experienced this in about 500 years! This is to say that it has to be a very tough decision for the pope himself to make. The fact remains that we are all human. Below are his exact broadcast on Vatican radio:

Dear Brothers,
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonisations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.
I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognise my incapacity to adequately fulfil the ministry entrusted to me.
For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.
Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.
From the Vatican, 10 February 2013

Well, we can only wait and watch and trust God to uphold His church. 

Great day Folks!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Super Eagles - Stand Up for the Champs!

...And the Eagles Flew!
Stand up for the champions!! Yeah! It feels good to be with champions! I am so proud of the Eagles. They were actually super this time around. Amidst all of the accolades and praise singing, I wondered what Naija folks would have said if this guys lost.

At a point, viewers in Lagos could no longer sit as the match went into extra minutes. The tensions were rising, blood vessels were vibrating in their resting places... and alas, my blood is green!

Lagos was agog with jubilation and fire crackers all over. Even the miscreants cooperated and agreed not to rob anyone. #at least for the night#

It is fun to be winners. But what of the losers? no one is talking about them.#sad face# I think they deserve a mention too. The elephant fought tusk and size but the eagle had an overview of the terrain. Well, I will give them a thumbs up for their fighting spirit.

Great day folks! *still basking in the euphoria of the victory*

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

iPhone Jail Break - Geeks Again!

Technology Geeks
Hey Peeps! Howdy today? Still counting down to Val's day. For those of you planning to buy an iOS series of products, fear no more as there are jailbreaks for your devices.

Some geeks have taken the pains to break all security features of Apple Inc. and they put it up for free. Hmmmm...and you refer to Africans as dubious...#lipssealed#

It's quite an interesting article captured on Forbes. Click Here to read more and how to go about it yourself.#feeling geeky#

So go ahead and purchase that beautiful iPhone 5 for your loved ones. they will appreciate it a lot. The techy is really a world class one. I trust gidi big boys and Island lasses to do the needful.

Have fun today folks!

Monday, 4 February 2013

What Valentine is to Us

Hmmmm. I remember back in the days! My first ever val's date out was at Mr Biggs around PPL, Okokomaiko!(That was rather mouthful) It was such an experience borne out of love and passion. Though I almost chocked at the smokey eatery, I had a good time however. I got a gift last year too from a special friend. *blushing*

Trend has it these days that more of the younger generation (Secondary Schools) look forward to the date. I wonder if I knew what Val's day was in my days as secondary school student (book geek!) What do people really understand about the day? What's your own concept of Val's day?

Funny enough, Val's Day in Maiduguri was quite fun too! I remember during my service year over there. Even some 'Abokis' were 'chaiking' up my little students in some tongue I barely understood! *phew*! It therefore made me surmise that love is a universal language understood in various worldview.

What are your plans for this year? Do you have anyone in mind? Share your thoughts and let's know your concept of Val's day. Anyway, make sure you give someone a gift this year. Make someone smile without any strings attached.

9 days to go!

Have fun folks!

The Eagles are Flying!

Finally!!! The Eagles are flying! I am sure you were very proud to be a Nigerian after that match on Sunday. I was surprised I found myself 'scabashing' and fervent in my heart. God sure answers prayers.

How are the mighty falling! I was shocked the 'great' Emmanuel Eboue was nowhere to be heard. God gives grace to the humble and downs the proud in heart. Lesson learnt anyway.

Even when PHCN struck after the first half, gidi voice was enough for me to follow the football match. The roar of Goooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaal!!!!!! had me jumping in my living room. I give kudos to the fighting spirit of the Nigeria Team.

Well, I believe we won't be asking for too much when we request to win the AFCON 2013! It's been a long while we ever won anything as a country.#phew#

Which country do you think will win the cup? Personally, I believe Nigeria will win with a 2 -1 win against their opponent.

Great day ahead guys!

Friday, 1 February 2013

Its the Month of Love

Hey friends, it is a new month! February is a month that is specially celebrated by lovers and couples. How is it gonna be this year? What are your plans for this Val forth coming?

It would be nice to hear from you guys you know? Let's keep it real this February as I give you updates to the Val's day countdown.

Great day guys!