Sunday, 10 February 2013

Super Eagles - Stand Up for the Champs!

...And the Eagles Flew!
Stand up for the champions!! Yeah! It feels good to be with champions! I am so proud of the Eagles. They were actually super this time around. Amidst all of the accolades and praise singing, I wondered what Naija folks would have said if this guys lost.

At a point, viewers in Lagos could no longer sit as the match went into extra minutes. The tensions were rising, blood vessels were vibrating in their resting places... and alas, my blood is green!

Lagos was agog with jubilation and fire crackers all over. Even the miscreants cooperated and agreed not to rob anyone. #at least for the night#

It is fun to be winners. But what of the losers? no one is talking about them.#sad face# I think they deserve a mention too. The elephant fought tusk and size but the eagle had an overview of the terrain. Well, I will give them a thumbs up for their fighting spirit.

Great day folks! *still basking in the euphoria of the victory*

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